This package consists of several functions which allow you to calculate origin-destination matrices based on the OpenStreetMap road network using the openrouteservice package. The core functions build upon that and allow you to calculate accessibility indicators and aggregate indicators to spatial areas of interest.

# load the package

Step 0 - Explore included data (optional)

For visualization purposes a dataset with precalculated results and a sf of geometry type POLYGON is provided.

testdata - odm-object (list)

# Load the package data
# Basic information about the odm-list object
Length Class Mode
distance 32600 -none- numeric
duration 32600 -none- numeric
sources 4 sf list
targets 5 data.frame list

testdata - spatial data

# A preview of the data included in the package
# create pnt_sf using the included x, y coordinates, EPSG:4326
# needs to be projected to EPSG:3035 for plotting
targets_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(testdata$od_result$targets, coords = c("x", "y")) %>%
  st_set_crs(4326) %>%
par(mar = c(0,0,1,0))
# 500m polygon grid for aggregation purposes, EPSG:3035 
plot(testdata$grid_500m$geometry, border = "darkgrey", reset = FALSE)
# source point data, n = 200, EPSG:4326
# needs to be projected to EPSG:3035 for plotting
plot(st_transform(testdata$od_result$sources, 3035)$geom, add = TRUE)
# target point data, n = 163
plot(targets_sf$geometry, col = "red", pch = 20, cex = .8, add = TRUE)

Step 1 - Create an odm-object

All functions with the suffix create_ work with an odm-object which is of type list and contains a numeric matrix for distance and duration as well as the input data that was used to calculate the matrices. The sources are a sf of geometry type POINT and the targets a data.frame.

To make full use of all package functions the sources and targets need to follow at least the following data structures. Additional columns with further attributes can be included in the sources and targets if needed. Coordinates need to be supplied in EPSG:4326.

knitr::kable(head(testdata$od_result$sources, 5))
source_id x y geom
1 6.977482 51.42968 POINT (6.977482 51.42968)
2 6.990986 51.43171 POINT (6.990986 51.43171)
3 7.037876 51.45258 POINT (7.037876 51.45258)
4 6.978143 51.44346 POINT (6.978143 51.44346)
5 7.050361 51.44739 POINT (7.050361 51.44739)
knitr::kable(head(testdata$od_result$targets, 5))
target_id name category x y
1 amenity_1 A 7.02393 51.45057
2 amenity_2 B 6.98052 51.41443
3 amenity_3 C 7.00386 51.45200
4 amenity_4 A 7.00992 51.46822
5 amenity_5 B 6.98880 51.43774

Execute calculaton

An odm-object can be created sequentially by using

options(openrouteservice.url = "PUT YOUR URL HERE")
odm_result <- calc_odm(profile_string = "foot-walking",
                       source_locations = testdata$od_result$sources,
                       target_locations = testdata$od_result$targets,
                       max_chunk_size = 200)

or in parallel by using

handlers(global = TRUE)
plan(multisession, gc = TRUE)
res <- calc_odm_multicore(profile_string = "foot-walking",
                          sources = sources,
                          targets = targets,
                          max_chunk_size = 200,
                          ors_url = "PUT YOUR URL HERE")

Step 2 - Calculate accessibility indicators

Once you have created a odm-list-object calculating indicators is straight forward. The following functions are provided:

function arguments short description output
create_time_distance_sf() odm-object Calculates distance in meters and duration in minutes from all source points to the closest target location sf geometry type POINT
create_time_distance_n_sf() odm-object, n Calculates distance in meters and duration in minutes from all source points to n closest target locations sf geometry type POINT
create_time_distance_by_cat_sf() odm-object, filter_attribute, filter_value Calculates distance in meters and duration in minutes from all source points to the closest target location of a chosen category sf geometry type POINT
create_time_distance_n_by_cat_sf() odm-object, filter_attribute, filter_value, n Calculates distance in meters and duration in minutes from all source points to n closest target locations of a chosen category sf geometry type POINT
create_cumulative_sf() odm-object, filter_value_type, accessibility_filter_value, search_direction All locations which are accessible within the applied time or distance threshold are counted. The count can be calculated in either direction (source to target or target to source) sf geometry type POINT
create_cumulative_by_cat_sf() odm-object, filter_value_type, accessibility_filter_value, search_direction, filter_attribute, filter_value All locations which belong to a chosen category and are accessible within the applied time or distance threshold are counted. The count can be calculated in both directions (source to target or target to source) sf geometry type POINT
create_potential_sf() odm-object, filter_value_type, accessibility_filter_value, search_direction, ors_profile A decay function is applied to all locations which are accessible within the defined time or distance threshold. The function models a location potential respecting the spatial distribution. Thus, closer features result in higher values. It can be calculated in either direction (source to target or target to source) sf geometry type POINT
create_potential_by_cat_sf() odm-object, filter_value_type, accessibility_filter_value, search_direction, ors_profile, filter_attribute, filter_value A decay function is applied to all locations which belong to a chosen category and are accessible within the defined time or distance threshold. The function models a location potential respecting the spatial distribution. Thus, closer features result in higher values. It can be calculated in either direction (source to target or target to source) sf geometry type POINT

The following example shows the calculation of the distance and duration to the nearest target location using the provided dataset:

result <- create_time_distance_sf(testdata$od_result)
par(mar = c(0,0,1,0))
# Min_Dist could be switched to Min_Time
plot(result["Min_Dist"], key.pos = 1)

This is only the most basic example but the other listed functions work in a similar way. You just need to add further function parameters.

Step 3 - Aggregate an indicator to an area of interest

Once you have calculated one or more accessibility indicators you might want to aggregate those to statistical spatial units or regular grids. For this use case corresponding aggregation functions are provided:

function arguments short description output
aggregate_expenses() aoi_sf, pnt_sf, id_col, crs Aggregate the sf (geometry type POINT) attributes Min_Dist and Min_Time to an area of interest sf geometry type POINT
aggregate_accumulation() aoi_sf, pnt_sf, id_col, crs Aggregate the sf (geometry type POINT) attribute MeanCnt or MedianCnt to an area of interest sf geometry type POINT
aggregate_potential() aoi_sf, pnt_sf, id_col, crs Aggregate the sf (geometry type POINT) attributes MeanPot and MedianPot to an area of interest sf geometry type POINT
aggregate_coverage_rate_by_threshold() aoi_sf, pnt_sf, id_col, crs Calculate an average coverage rate within an area of interest by applying a threshold filter to one of the sf (geometry type POINT) attributes Min_Dist or Min_Time. A source location is defined as covered if a target location is accessible within the threshold distance or time. sf geometry type POINT

The following example shows the aggregation and visualization of the minimum distance and duration values calculated in step 2:

min_dist_time_sf <- create_time_distance_sf(testdata$od_result) %>%
# Add targets for plotting
targets_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(testdata$od_result$targets, coords = c("x", "y")) %>%
  sf::st_set_crs(4326) %>%
result_sf <- aggregate_expenses(aoi_sf = testdata$grid_500m,
                                pnt_sf = min_dist_time_sf,
                                id_col = "id",
                                crs = 4647)
par(mar = c(0,0,1,0))
# MedianDist could be switched to MedianTime
plot(result_sf["MedianDist"], border = "darkgrey", key.pos = 1, reset = FALSE)
plot(min_dist_time_sf$geom, pch = 20, cex = 1, add = TRUE)
plot(targets_sf$geometry, col = "red", pch = 20, cex = .8, add = TRUE)

This is only one example but the other listed functions work in a similar way. You just need to provide the respective accessibility indicator result to the aggregation function.

Step 4 - Merge multiple aggregated indicator results (optional)

For convenience a merge function is provided which allows you to easily combine the sf objects of multiple aggregated indicators which have been aggregated to the same areas of interest.

# Travel expenses
min_dist_time_sf <- create_time_distance_sf(testdata$od_result) 
expenses_sf <- aggregate_expenses(aoi_sf = testdata$grid_500m,
                                  pnt_sf = min_dist_time_sf,
                                  id_col = "id",
                                  crs = 4647)
# Accumulation 
cnt_sf <- create_cumulative_sf(odm_object = testdata$od_result,
                               filter_value_type = "distance",
                               accessibility_filter_value = 750,
                               search_direction = "to_target")
cumulative_sf <- aggregate_accumulation(aoi_sf = testdata$grid_500m,
                                        pnt_sf = cnt_sf,
                                        id_col = "id",
                                        crs = 4647)
# Potential
pot_sf <- create_potential_sf(odm_object = testdata$od_result,
                              filter_value_type = "distance",
                              accessibility_filter_value = 750,
                              search_direction = "to_target",
                              ors_profile = "foot-walking")
potential_sf <- aggregate_potential(aoi_sf = testdata$grid_500m,
                                    pnt_sf = pot_sf,
                                    id_col = "id",
                                    crs = 4647)
# Coverage rate in %
coverage_sf <- aggregate_coverage_rate_by_threshold(aoi_sf = testdata$grid_500m,
                                                    pnt_sf = min_dist_time_sf,
                                                    id_col = "id",
                                                    threshold_col = "Min_Dist",
                                                    threshold_value = 350,
                                                    crs = 4647)
# Merge 
merged_sf <- merge_indicators(aoi_sf = testdata$grid_500m, id_col = "id",
                              expenses_sf, cumulative_sf, potential_sf,
# Remove the the geometry column just for table presentation
knitr::kable(head(sf::st_drop_geometry(merged_sf), 5))
id MedianDist MedianTime MeanCnt MedianCnt MeanPot MedianPot Mean_CoverageRate
1 383.160 4.597750 2.5 2.5 218.80910 218.20230 25
2 698.425 8.380833 1.0 1.0 75.13072 75.13072 0
3 607.235 7.286667 0.5 0.5 50.00000 50.00000 50
4 334.500 4.013833 8.0 8.0 683.06632 683.06632 100
5 198.420 2.380833 7.8 7.0 714.32792 647.56115 80

This last example gives a concluding first impression of the functions provided within package. See ?odmind for more details!